Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Story Presentation: A New Discovery-That Really Happened!


  1. Once upon a time you were trying to do homework, but alas, it was so dark you couldn't see your textbook! You tried to put your lamp up on the shelf, but it didn't fit. THEN YOU DISCOVERED THE LIGHT ON YOUR DESK! and voila, you could study in peace.

  2. One day, a girl was reading a book and realized that books didn't really make her happy... Lamps did!! She looked at the book. She looked at the lamp. And she discovered that she would much rather look at a lamp sitting on her desk right in front of her instead of a bunch of books. So she shoved everything to the side and attempted to put the lamp on the shelf. It was not working. She was shocked. Oh well, who needs lamps anyway? She decided she could be happy without her lamp right in front of her face every time she sat at her desk.
