Saturday, November 13, 2010

Graphic Organizer

I used to create my example of a graphic organizer. It was VERY easy to make, but it still looks nice and looks like it took time to make. I feel like it is a colorful and exciting way to give students information about how things relate to each other. This particular example, that I made, would be a good chart to give students when teaching about the different types of sentences. It shows the three different types of sentences and then tells what they actual are and gives an example.
I would like to continue to use to create these easy bubble charts in my future classrooms.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Are tests the best way to measure learning?

Testing has always been a debate amongst teachers, students, and others. Is testing the best way to figure out what/how much students know? There are many problems that have been brought up and debated about. One of the biggest problems is that some students are test takers and some are not. It is just that simple. Some students are better at certain type of test questions better than other, example: better at Multiple Choice than Fill-In-The-Blank or Essays (and vice versa). Another issue is test anxiety. Some students have really bad anxiety which also causes them to not do so well on their tests.
So I guess that I believe that tests are not the best way to measure learning. I think the best way is probably discussion. Students usually feel less stressed when the just talk to you rather than being tested. Another thing that may be a good idea (if you had to test them) would maybe give them a blank piece of paper and just tell them to write down as much as they understand about what you talked about for the day and if they liked/disliked certain things that you talked about or things that they are curious and want to know more about.
After reading my thoughts, what are your thoughts on the topic?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Places I Have Been

I can use to have my students make maps about the places they have been or the place they would like to travel. It could be a fun way to see how far places are from each other in a way that is personalized to each student.

Venn Diagram-Cartoon Animals

I can use the website: and use the Venn Diagram link to teach my students how to see things that are related to each other. I can show them my Animal Cartoon one as an example. The URL to my Venn Diagram is: 

Disney Movie Time Line

It would be cool to use my example of a time line to show students that they can make a time line very easily by using I probably wouldn't have them make one for Disney movies but ut is an easy eample. My URL for my time line is:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Results for my Survey for Future Teachers using Survey Monkey

After looking at the results of thi survey, I realized how cool it is to give surveys. I can use Survey Monkey to create surveys that I can give to my students, their parents, or other teachers for free. Survey Monkey is awesome!!!

Here are the Results from the Survey I gave using :

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Educational Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Rubric for Making a Poster

This rubric could be used for almost any elementary poster project.
Using Rubistar to make rubrics is very easy. I can use this rubric as
well as many others that I can make on Rubistar as a teacher.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Learning Style Reflections

 I found that I am equally "smart" with Kinaesthetics, Naturalistics, and Intrapersonal. I am also pretty Visual/Spatial, Logical, and Interpersonal "smart." The categories that I was the least "smart" in are Linguistic and Musical.

I feel that my strengths are very true that I know myself and the world around me by doing things. I remember pictures way easier than memorizing words. I have been told that I am a logical person. I know I have an ear for music and I can play some stuff by ear, but usually it is easier when I have music in front of me.

This might affect my teaching because of the Linguistics part of it. I am not very good at word for word remembering, so I need to always have notes on stuff when I am teaching.

I feel like I have a variety of things that I am good at so I think I will be able to help most students pretty easily.